Friday, August 15, 2008

the reason why...

So today I was reading the blog of my dear friend Sandy Broome. She makes a comment about the reason why people "blog". There are so many reasons; updating your friends and family about your every day life, venting about the things that are going on, tracking the small things that happen in life that you don't want to forget. All of these are understandably good reasons to blog. My reason? I need an out. I need a place where I can right down the thoughts in my head... to get them out of my head. I am a worrier. It is my nature. I can not change it. I try and lay things down to God. "God, this is yours now, I'm done with it." This sounds simple enough, right? Wrong. This would be a huge thing to be freed from.

I live, what you might call, a priviledged life. I get what I want most anytime I want it. I have an outstanding husband (even though I am fully aware sometimes I don't deserve him). I have a beautiful home and an excellent job. I have what some would call fairytale. I forget sometimes though. I want to make a point in my blogs to try to recognize the things that I am thankful for rather than dwelling on the things that cause me to worry. If you are my friend and reading this, hold me accountable. :)

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