Thursday, September 25, 2008

Growing up the thought of being 25 years old seemed so far away and when I got to that point I would be so old, so far I'm right! You ask a person in there 40's and 25 is a "spring chicken". I have one thing to say, if 25 is a spring chicken I don't ever want to be 50!! I know that God has a plan for me and that he would never give me more than I can handle with His help. These days I have found myself wondering... how much more God?

From my last blog, (which I am fully aware was a long time ago, Michelle) things seemed to have been getting better and now worse. I had my radiation therapy and was looking forward to the recovery process. I had been slowly gaining strength back. Don't get me wrong, I still can't run to the end of my driveway, but non the less, better than before. Last week I caught an awful cough/cold from my hubby... thanks babe. What to most would be just a common bug, hits me twice as hard with a weak immune system (Grave's is an auto-immune disease). For most, a few doses of Sudafed and you're good to go, but with Grave's I'm not aloud to take any antihistamines. Believe me when I say that sucks!

The night before last I was at home and I started to get a headache. This "headache" sooned turned into me laying on the couch in severe pain and blurred vision. I took some Advil and went to bed. Yesterday morning, I called the doctor. By lunch I was at my desk with my head between my legs on the phone moving my 4:00 appointment to ASAP!! Jimmy had to come get me from work and rush me to the doctor. Turns out I am having intense stress induced migraines. The doc says I need more rest... not just slowing it down but slam on your brakes rest. She gave me some sleeping pills and some emerency migraine pills. They seem to work, yesterday afternoon I had another and it was gone in 10 minutes after I took the pill.

I know that this blog has served as a bad news post for me since I started it. It was intended that it be a good news post, where I could share my blessings. I have one blessing to share as of now. All that has happened has made me a prayer warrior. I still have a hard time praying out loud in front of others but my God knows that I have called on Him and He will be the one that pulls me through this. Well, maybe one more blessing... through all of the turmoil, I have been unbelievably loved on. I take advantage sometimes the people who care for me, but when I'm down and they come to the rescue, I truely feel their love. Thank you to all of you. :)

1 comment:

Sandy said...

I had no idea you were so sick. I have been praying for you, but will pray fervently and specifically. Hang in there knowing that God DOES have a beautiful plan--and that 50's really not so bad! ;)