Wednesday, November 5, 2008

the decision has been made....

The elections are over and the people have chosen their next president. Barack Obama will take office January 20, 2009. Barack Obama promises change to this country. Lets all pray it's good change and Godly change. Even though Obama was not my pick and I have several reasons why not, he is still going to be my president. I have to accept that as do many other Christians that took a stand and voted for McCain. McCain is a man that fought for and served our country for several years and knows what it takes to have the freedoms we all take for granted. McCain stood for pro-life. He has his faults as do I but the facts are he took a stand in regards to some very importnant issues that Obama didn't. It is unfortunate that many others couldn't see that.

Whatever happens in the days to come, I know that I stood for my God and my faith and LIFE! I will be the first one to say that I hope Obama proves me wrong. I hope for every citizen in the United States of America, that he is the best person that could have been chosen to lead this country. I hope his promises have positive actions behind them and that the words that he has spoken weren't just to prove that he could become president with the right people behind him.

More than anything, I pray that all of God's children continue to pray harder than they have ever prayed before for our country. Barack Obama may be going to the White House but my God is and will forever be on His throne. I will continue to stand behind that fact!

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