Thursday, December 11, 2008

If I ever questioned... I won't anymore...

Sometimes I can see why people would question whether God exists. Things happen to good people that make you wonder... "why not make this happen to a convict or something, why me?" It is the faith that you receive when excepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior that holds the answer to that question. You fully believe that God has a reason for EVERYTHING and a purpose for EVERYONE!!

That being said, this morning I got one of the biggest scares of my life. It's raining terribly, I'm driving to work and my cell phone rings. It's Jimmy, he starts the conversation off with "I don't know where you are but be careful"...seriously this is no way to start a conversation! This abrupt hello was followed by, "don't freak out but you brothers have been in a bad wreck and totalled the truck". Please tell me how I am supposed to "not freak out"!! Fortunately, the boys are fine and the truck is replaceable but there is no worse feeling than the panic that you get when you think about something happening to one of your loved ones. You immediately wonder what on earth would I do if they died. It's terrible, I know and you should never think that way, it's just human nature.
The fact that God kept both boys safe is enough to praise Him but when I talked to Jimmy after he went to pick up the truck, I was in absolute awe. Apparently the passenger side door was so crushed in it was touching the gear shifter. Jayme walked away with a scratch on his thumb. The only way I choose to believe that this is possible is that God wasn't going to let anything happen to Jayme today. Wreck or not, he would not be hurt. I by no means am leaving Tyler out of this. He didn't have a scratch on him either. Jimmy had said "this is the hardest hit I have ever seen". Jimmy works in a body shop and was a volunteer fireman, he knows wrecks.
God had a reason for the wreck this morning. It may have just been a simple reminder to a teenage driver of how quickly something can happen that could take your life or your passenger's. There may be more to it, only He knows. I do know one thing, this is not the first time that God has protected my brothers. When Jayme was three or four he was hit by a car so hard that his shoes flew off his feet. He landed on his little toddler butt in the neighbors yard. There is no reasoning but God's grace. When Tyler was in the womb, he had scar tissue from Mom's pregnancy with me, wrapped around his face. What could have easily hurt him turned into a small flat spot on the end of his nose that distinguishes him from the rest of the Markham clan.
I know one thing, God loves these boys and he has a plan for both of their lives. I am so grateful and honored to be their sister!

1 comment:

Sandy said...

I am SO thankful that your brother's are okay. Life is a precious gift and this is a great reminder that we shouldn't take one second for granted.