Friday, August 29, 2008

I see the end of the tunnel!!

For those of you that have seen or spoken to me in the last few weeks, you know the battle I am fighting... On Sunday, August 10th, I woke up feeling extremely faint and weak. After noticing that I had lost a great deal of weight over the last few months, I felt it time to see a professional. On the following Tuesday, I had blood tests done. On Thursday, I had more blood tests done. After all this, it was discovered that I have extreme hyperthyroiditis. To keep it short, my thyroid is on overdrive! My doctor referred me to an endocrinologist... Unfortunately, the specialist had no available appointments until September 18th!

Fortunately for me, I have a large group of prayer warriors standing behind me. On Saturday night of last week, I met with the Broome/Gompers clan to have a time of prayer on my behalf. My special friend, Sandy, was kind enough to do some research and locate a few other endocrinologists in Charlotte. Monday morning I called the doctor to give them one more chance to get me an earlier appointment before I scheduled elsewhere.... needless to say, I had a call back from them by 11:00am saying they had a last minute cancellation and could see me that afternoon. God is good!

I met with Dr. Robinson and after a quick examination, it was clear to him that I had Grave's Disease. I find it easier to tell you to google the term, rather that explaining it to you. In short, it is what triggered my hyperthyroiditis.... The doc did one other test to confirm before telling me treatment options. His prognosis was correct.

On Friday of next week, September 5th, I will have to have what it is called a radio-iodine treatment. Basically a direct form of radiation to kill the overactive part of my thyroid. After three months, I will more than likely be put on a thyroid hormone that I will have to take for the rest of my life.

I realize that these types of issues are not very uncommon, but it doesn't make them any easier to swallow at 25! I have a small request and that is that you keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I go through the procedure next week...

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Hey! I didn't know you had a blog--I'll be eagerly awaiting your future posts and you KNOW we're praying for you as you battle this thyroid issue. You are loved!