Monday, October 20, 2008

2 posts in one day.... I know! But, I HAD to add this!

My friends Michelle and Jessica both posted this blog and I found it hilarious so I tried it out myself! Go to "Google" and search your name followed by "needs". Here's what I came up with...

1. Rachel needs guidance and normal supervision... seriously, I'm not that bad!
2. Rachel needs your help.... again, not that bad!
3. Rachel REALLY needs some organization and better flow... understatement of the century!!
4. Rachel needs some good thoughts.... PLEASE!
5. Rachel needs more caffeine.... should say Rachel needs to stay away from caffeine!
6. Rachel needs to focus.... AMEN!
7. Rachel needs a new roommate.... the irony of this blows my mind!
8. Rachel needs a squeeze... please be more specific!

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