Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Peaceful Assurance...

On Sunday night this past weekend, I had two terrible dreams. Nightmares, you might call them. Not ones where somebody is chasing you with chainsaws or ghosts or goblins trying to eat you. It was vivid and frightening and much what I feel like the world will be after Jesus comes back.

To keep it short, the first dream depicted men rampaging our house during a sunny afternoon barbecue with guns and for no reason other than hate, shooting the people that I care for the most in my life. I woke up in a cold sweat with tears running down my face, scared to death to go back to sleep and see anymore of this horrific incident. Finally after an hour or so, I dosed back off. The second dream was even more confusing than the first. Again, a gathering at our home. The door bell rings and I answer to find a women with a group of what looks to be 6-10 orphans. The lady explains that she is searching for homes for these children and asks if I would be willing to foster. I let them in, after a few short minutes, the children start to pull syringes from their pockets containing poison and stabbing my friends and family. Needless to say when I woke from this, there was no going back to sleep.

Jimmy woke up a couple hours after I did and one look, asked me what was wrong. I began to sob and tell him about these dreams. He assures me that they are just that, dreams. No need to worry or fear for your life, that he'll never let anything like that happen to me/us.

This morning my mom send me the below devotion, words that I already know in my heart but without fail seem to forget when fear enters my heart...

Psalm 70 –
Be still, My child, and know that I am God! Wait thou patiently – I know the path you trod. So falter not, nor fear, nor think to run or hide. For I, your hope and strength, am waiting by your side.
Psalm 71 -
4 Deliver me, O my God, from the hand of the wicked, from the grasp of evil and cruel men.
5 For you have been my hope, O Sovereign LORD, my confidence since my youth. 6 From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother's womb. I will ever praise you.

I know that these words are true and I know that the words of my sweet husband are also true. I also know that some may think that I have gone mad! I think that my mind is wandering into the unknown of what could come if people choose to turn from God. There are paths of destruction, whether crime or just temptations, that lead us astray. Last night I prayed the hardest I have prayed in a long time and this morning He sends me words from the mouth of my beautiful mother. Praise God!


Leslie said...

beautiful. thank you for sharing these scriptures that offer so much peace in this very chaotic world. love you.

Sandy said...

After a night like that, you need to go home from work and go straight to bed! Wow!

Thanks for sharing your heart so transparently, Rachel. This is a great and needed reminder. I love that God's Word addresses every single issue of life!

Rachel said...

Thank you two for your sweet words! I am so blessed to have people in my life that love me so much! I believe this is one of the major things that is lacking from the people that actually commit the heinous crimes that I dreamt about... LOVE!