Thursday, October 2, 2008

reminicing on my yesterdays and cherishing my todays...

People say that time flies, that is a gross understatement. It seems like yesterday that I was 12 years old riding my bike after school longing for the days when I would be a teenager and go to high school. Those days quickly came and then I remember longing to be 16 to get my driver's license and then 18 to be legal and finally graduate from that hell they call high school! It's funny how life runs it's course isn't it? Well, 16, 18 and then 21 came very quickly and passed. I married young to the love of my life, moved out of my parents house and so it began, I am a full blown adult. Skipping to an explanation period....

My parents basically had two sets of children. Chris and I had most of our small childhood to ourselves with our parents. When we were well out of the small child phase and almost out of the elementary school phase, they decided to start again. Tyler and then Jayme were born with a 8 year gap between me and the next. By the time that Chris and I graduated and moved out, Jayme and Tyler were only 6 and 9. My parents will have raised children for over 30 years by the time that the younger brood is out of the house! My point in this is that even though they are my brothers, they are in a totally different generation that Chris and I were in. And back to the main topic....

Last week, Mom called me and asked if it would be possible if I could keep Jayme while they went to Oregon for a few days for my cousins wedding. Of course I said yes. My parents seem to think that this is a huge inconvenience for me, but what they don't understand is that it makes me so happy to spend some time with him! He arrived yesterday after school and we spent the night hanging out, going to Morris costumes for ideas for Halloween and just chatting. It is amazing to talk to him because he is not your average 14 year old boy. He is so incredibly smart, sometimes you forget his age. He got his wit and humor from my dad and therefor is an absolute entertainer at heart. He made me laugh to tears last night which doesn't happen very often. He brought up things that we had done like 7 or 8 years ago that just blew my mind that he remembered... like me taking him to Shoney's for breakfast before I took him to school. I don't remember that day all that well but to to hear him tell me about it, it was obvious that was a day that he holds dear to his heart. I started to think about it and realized that in just a year or so, he will be an only child. Tyler is 17 and headstrong and will be out of the house the day he turns 18, leaving Jayme to be the only baby bird left in the nest. This makes me sad for my mom. I just can't imagine being in her position, where you have spend the last three decades of your life, raising four children and in just a few short years, we will all be gone.

I said all that to say this, our days are precious. Each one of them is a gift from our God and the more time you spend longing for the future are days that you have missed in the present. It reminds me of the song by Trace Adkins, "you're gonna miss this". That and spend time with the one's you love. Make every moment count because you don't know what that moment is going to mean to someone else, even if it's just another day to you.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Three blogs in such quick succession? Should I start expecting the apocalypse? Just kidding - I love keeping up with your blog. Just adds another layer to my friend.